The I Am Irrevocably Disturbed For Having Chaperoned A High School Dance Where The DJ Played This Song Award
Lindsay hopes that writing this is the first step in purging it from her mind forever.
Dec 17, 2009Lindsay hopes that writing this is the first step in purging it from her mind forever.
Dec 17, 2009Runners up: Joaquin Phoenix’s Stickin’ It 2 Diddy: Live from Psychiatric, everything by Miley Cyrus.
Dec 17, 2009Award for best link-within-an-award: that Thurston Moore/Beck interview.
Dec 17, 2009Is that “fuck suicide” like a command or a noun?
Dec 17, 2009or “The Situation Acts out a Sight Gag from The Simpsons before Being Killed in the Blast Fires of Armageddon.”
Remember the first time you heard “Cedar Room”? Well, forget that.
Dec 16, 2009