Features | Festivals

And Pitchfork Brought Us Together: Photo Round-up 4

By The Staff | 3 February 2008

Pt. 1 :: Written Feature

Silver Jews

Despite visual evidence to the contrary, Silver Jews are not a new wave revival band.

This doesn't look like flip cup!

Os Mutantes

Sérgio has the hardest working jowls in show business.

When Devendra started going crazy, Arnaldo knew his glasses cord was a worthwhile purchase.

Her other arm bares a Chinese symbol which translates, "My Other Arm is a Bouquet of Roses."

Holy shit! Jimi Hendrix is eating that guy's guitar!


And, finally, that's it. Mark wants to apologize for forgetting to talk about the steak tacos he had, because they were damn good. Conrad and Peter are still maintaining that they are separate people. Chet is still pissed off he missed Mission of Burma. Dom is still drunk...but that's par for the course. Edgar is...well, Edgar just is.

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