Features | Awards
The Cat Party Award for Best Ringtone of the Year
By Dom Sinacola | 13 December 2010
Phil Nelson
“Wiz Khalifa’s Giggle”
What I really wanted for Christmas was a ringtone of this, if only to be on hand whenever I found cause to assure someone that Yeezy reupholstered my pussy, but upon falling into goofy, unflagging puppy-love with the soft, sweet, and pungent Kush & Orange Juice (unfortunately too late for a proper spot on my year-end tally), I decided that something else grating and quickly infuriating deserved to be enshrined within my phone.
So I asked Phil Nelson, he of our 2000s Fantasy Podcast Pt. 2, to make me a ringtone, one to honor Wiz Khalifa and how much ridiculously pleasant sound he can wring out of the shallowest pool of thought. He came up with the following, which you are encouraged to download and use and expect before every phone call you receive. We hope you enjoy pointless and fleeting soundbytes as much as we do. And Happy 2010.